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Tag: stretch


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Stretch of the Week: Cobra on the Wall

Posted on by Athletico

The final back bending exercise for January is an advanced stretch called Cobra on the Wall. It is similar to the stretch highlighted in the first week of January, but with the assistance of a wall. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Basic Bridge

Posted on by Athletico

We are into the third week of January! I hope your back muscles are feeling stronger and the muscles along the front or your body are feeling more flexible! (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Locust

Posted on by Athletico

Week two of January is another beginner level therapeutic back bend called Locust. Locust helps to strengthen the hamstrings, glutes and lumbar musculature, building on last week’s Cobra stretch. As a warm up, you can do a few Cobra stretches prior to performing the Locust. If you missed last week’s stretch, you can find instructions here.


Snow Shoveling Stretches

Posted on by Athletico

Snow is beautiful when falling to the ground, but it is hard work to clear it out of the way. To keep from getting too sore, try these three exercises after shoveling all of that snow.


Stretch of the Week: Lizard on a Rock

Posted on by Athletico

For the final week of December we will be doing one of my absolute favorite partner stretches ever! I call this one Lizard on a Rock.

You will need a mat for this stretch. Please do not perform this stretch if you have severe knee problems or have great trouble reaching overhead. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Lateral Sway Partner Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

We are halfway through the month of December, wow! I feel like everything is going at super speed with the holidays approaching! So let’s take a moment to stretch it out and slow it down with this week’s stretch.

I call this one a Lateral Sway Partner stretch. The contraindications for this stretch are shoulders injuries, if you can’t bring your hands above your head, don’t do this one. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Forward Fold Partner Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

The second week of December brings us to a forward fold partner stretch. Even people who cannot touch their toes when bending forward can still do this one. If you have a hamstring injury I would not recommend performing this stretch. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Partner Stretch for the Shins

Posted on by Athletico

The final week of November brings us to a partner stretch for the shins. It’s a great segue into December where we will be doing partner stretches the entire month! So stay tuned!

You will only need another person for this stretch. Any friend, family member, or acquaintance will do 🙂 (more…)

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