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Tag: Stretching


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4 Exercises for Back Pain Relief After Snow Shoveling

Posted on by Tony Matoska, PT, DPT, CMPT

Winter is coming. With that comes everybody’s least favorite piece of yard work – snow shoveling. It’s the one chore almost nobody loves but must be done. Unfortunately, it is one of the most strenuous chores we must complete and causes roughly 11,500 injuries per year.1 The most common are soft tissue injuries (strains, cramping, pulled muscles) and lower back injuries. Lower back injuries account for almost 35% of total snow shovel-related injuries.1


4 Tips to Stay Healthy While Holiday Shopping

Posted on by Athletico

The Holiday season is in full swing, which means both stores and online retailers will be busy with shoppers through the New Year.

Great deals on gifts are out there! Whether you’re going to stores or opting for online shopping due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you could also be putting your body at risk for injury. Fortunately, there are things that can be done to prevent these injuries for occurring. Read below for four tips to stay injury-free this holiday shopping season.

Stretch of the Week: Deep Squat Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

For the third week of November, we will be performing a very Deep Squat Stretch. You will feel this stretch in your inner thighs, ankles and lower back.


Stretch of the Week: Half Fold Traction

Posted on by Athletico

Welcome to September’s weekly stretch blog. In the three years since this blog started, we have done most every stretch imaginable. This includes everything but the kitchen sink – until now. That’s right, this month’s stretches will focus on using the kitchen sink! Why you might ask? The kitchen sink provides stability, as well as traction for these stretches. Using props is a great way to facilitate optimal stretch!


Stretch of the Week: Wall Clock Arm Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

For the month of March we are stretching our biceps muscles. The bicep has two “heads” that form into one single muscle belly, which lays between the elbow and shoulder joint. The biceps flexes the arm (bringing wrist to shoulder), helps abduct the shoulder (lift it away from your side) and rotates the forearm outward. It’s a muscle we commonly use and thus it can become tight. In fact, the biceps can be so tight that extending the arm fully straight is restricted. Our March stretches will help to loosen the arms.


Stretch of the Week: Front Body Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

For November’s Weekly Stretches I will teach you how to use a foam roller to stretch and self-massage the body.

If you do not own a foam roller I recommend purchasing one! It’s a very useful and affordable tool that can be purchased through one of our clinics. For the first week, we will be performing the Front Body Stretch, as well as a massage for the front of the thighs.


Stretching Vs. Warming Up: What’s the Difference?

Posted on by Brian Whittington, PT, DPT, CMTPT

One of the more frequent questions I am asked when conducting physical therapy evaluations is “Did my injury occur because I did not stretch before my physical activity?” That’s a great question and the quick answer is no…..and yes. Let me explain.


Stretch of the Week: Self-Massage for the Wrist

Posted on by Athletico

The final stretch for August features two self-massage techniques for the wrist.

You will need a tennis ball and a table or hard surface to perform these techniques. As always, prior to beginning any exercise program, it is recommended to consult with your physician, physical or occupational therapist to determine which exercises are best for you.


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