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Tag: Stretching


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Stretch of the Week: Crossed Legged Low Back Reclined Twist

Posted on by Athletico

Crossed Legged Low Back Reclined Twist

The third week of March brings us to the gentle Crossed Legged Low Back Reclined Twist stretch. It is simple despite its long name. This stretch will help you to gain flexibility in those stiff lumbar muscles that can cause muscle imbalances and contribute to low back pain. You will not need any equipment for this stretch.


Stretch of the Week: Figure 4

Posted on by Athletico

The second week of March is all about reducing stiffness throughout the hip region. Sometimes low back pain can be a result of hip tightness. It may also contribute to movement dysfunction, nerve compression and symptoms in to the thigh and lower leg. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Side Lunge

Posted on by Athletico

The final week of February brings us to the Side Lunge stretch. Please warm up with all the previous weeks stretches for February before performing this one. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Standing Big Toe Grab

Posted on by Athletico

As we move into week three of February, let’s assess how you’re feeling. Go ahead and do the first two weeks exercises for your warm up. Notice if you feel less stiffness through the inner thighs. It is always good to check in with the body daily which can help determine how much stretching to do. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Revolved Head of the Knee

Posted on by Athletico

Welcome back for week two of February! This weekly inner thigh stretch is called Revolved Head of the Knee. It simultaneously targets the inner thigh musculature in both straight and bent leg positions. In addition, this exercise also stretches the side of the body. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Reclined Cobbler’s Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

February’s focus for our weekly stretches will be for the inner thighs.

The inner thighs are largely composed of five muscles: Pectineus, Adductor Longus, Gracillis, Adductor brevis, and Adductor magnus. These muscles are primarily responsible for adduction, such as when crossing the leg past the mid-line of the body towards the opposite side. They play a critical role in our day to day functions including standing and walking. Therefore, it is important to maintain both their flexibility and strength to help prevent injuries. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Cobra on the Wall

Posted on by Athletico

The final back bending exercise for January is an advanced stretch called Cobra on the Wall. It is similar to the stretch highlighted in the first week of January, but with the assistance of a wall. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Basic Bridge

Posted on by Athletico

We are into the third week of January! I hope your back muscles are feeling stronger and the muscles along the front or your body are feeling more flexible! (more…)

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