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Tag: Stretching


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Let’s Do The Twist: Maintaining Posture Throughout the Golf Swing

Posted on by Athletico

Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger Joe Estes, PT, DPT, CGFI.  Joe is a physical therapist and Certified Golf Fitness Instructor at Athletico’s Golf Performance Center.

The summer is underway, and so are most people’s golf games. Like the weather so far this spring and summer, the condition of your swing may not be the best you have seen. From a golf fitness and biomechanical perspective, I talk to my patients and clients a lot about maintaining posture throughout the golf swing. This mostly refers to maintaining the spine angle from your set-up position through just after impact.  Maintaining posture helps with both consistency of ball striking, as well as power production. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Forward Fold IT Band Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

Stretch of the week: Forward Fold IT Band Stretch. This stretch is simple but very effective. You won’t need anything for this stretch.

The only contradiction for this stretch would be if you have low back pain. Be conscious of how your body feels and please don’t overly push yourself in the stretch.


Stretch of the Week: Lateral Neck Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

For the month of June we will address our cervical vertebrae! There will be five weeks in June so I will be giving you some self massage techniques for the neck too, yay! As always if you have injuries please be cautious and only do what feels good. If you have stiffness in the neck these will be great ones for you!  (more…)

Stretch of the Week: High Lunge with Psoas Emphasis

Posted on by Athletico

Week 3 of May might look a little familiar to you if you’ve been with the stretch of the week blog from the beginning. It’s called High Lunge. In this variation we are focusing on getting a deeper stretch through the psoas though. So it’s different I promise! 🙂

You will need two yoga blocks or something similar, and a wall for this stretch.  (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Upward Facing Dog

Posted on by Athletico

Week two of May is a bit of a deeper psoas stretch. It doesn’t have a name but I guess we can call it a variation on the yoga pose upward facing dog. In this variation we are focusing on the front of the hip where the psoas resides.  (more…)

Stretch of the Week: The Triangle Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

It’s the third week of April, I can’t believe it! How are you doing? Do you feel more limber in the ribs, the spine, and the obliques? I hope so! This week is a favorite of mine called the Triangle Stretch. This is a good stretch for strengthening the legs too! 🙂  There are no major contraindications for this because we will be using the wall to support ourselves. Please listen and feel what your body is telling you, and only go as far as you comfortably can. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Dolphin Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

The last calf stretch of February is the Dolphin stretch. The Dolphin Stretch is a bonus stretch because it will get into the shoulders and the upper back as well as the calves! It’s very similar to the forearm stretch on the wall from week 2 in January if you want to go back and take a look, but we are taking it to the floor this week.


Stretch of the Week: Wall Calf Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

It’s week 3 of loving our calves, and this week is one of my favorite stretches! I call this the Wall Calf Stretch. It’s slightly an inversion (upside down) so please be careful if you have a blood pressure issue or get vertigo easily. For the Wall Calf Stretch you’ll  probably need a little wall space. 🙂 (more…)

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