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What is Arthritis and What Can I Do About It?

Posted on by Athletico

May is National Arthritis Awareness Month. But what exactly is arthritis? What causes the pain and how can I fix it? Arthritis refers to the degradation of a joint surface causing inflammation within the joint. Athletico Physical Therapy is proud to support Arthritis Awareness Month as a proud partner of the Arthritis Foundation. (more…)

Thumb Injuries in Sports

Posted on by Athletico

The thumb: It has allowed humans to develop into the most dominant species on the planet. Without it, we wouldn’t have the Mona Lisa, the Seven Wonders of the World, or quarterbacks that can complete a pass while scrambling out of the pocket when their protection breaks down. You can see just how important the “lone wolf of the hand” is in life and sports, and when Bears quarterback Jay Cutler was sidelined by a thumb injury, I started getting a lot of questions about thumb injuries in athletics. They’re fairly common in sports since the thumb is separate from the other fingers, exposing it to some unique injuries. Lucky for you, my background allows me to explain what a couple of the more common injuries are. (more…)

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