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The Pros and Cons of CrossFit Workouts

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

Continuing the series focused on fitness and different types of exercise, I want to take a popular workout method, Crossfit, and go through some of the potential pros and cons of the sport. I am a physical therapist and someone who loves training with a barbell, so anytime I can help someone get into that type of training, even if it’s not my preferred method, I am thrilled. I view fitness and training as all-inclusive, where everyone is welcome and can do what makes them happy.


Tips to Triathlon

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee

Triathlons take more time to train for with needing to work on three different disciplines in the sport. It may seem overwhelming and like you don’t have enough time. It can be mind boggling thinking about how to actually fit it all in your weekly schedule. Planning ahead and setting goals are key, but also incorporating a few training techniques into your weekly workouts will help enhance your workout and help you feel ready for race day.


Benefits of Foam Rolling for Hockey Warm-Up

Posted on by Athletico

As a medical professional who not only works with the Chicago Blackhawks but also a large number of hockey players of all levels, one of the more recurrent questions I receive is, “how to adequately warm-up before taking the ice?” My answer is the foam roll, for a variety of reasons.


Wrist Pain in Gymnasts and Cheerleaders

Posted on by Athletico

The gymnastics and cheer seasons’ are picking up intensity! Check out our first of two blogs focusing on staying healthy during the gymnastics and cheerleading season. Our first blog by Sarah Clough PT, DPT, Cert. MDT, PES, who has a passion for treating gymnasts, trampolinists and cheerleaders, focuses on wrist pain in gymnasts and cheerleaders. (more…)

Video Gait Analysis: What All Runners Should Know

Posted on by Athletico

Have you ever heard the term VGA or Video Gait Analysis mentioned by your physical therapist and wondered what he or she is talking about? A Video Gait Analysis involves recording your running gait, or stride, to determine symmetrical or atypical movement patterns. The video recording, a biomechanical exam and your physical therapist’s clinical assessment will provide you with a complete breakdown of your running mechanics. (more…)

Debut Marathoner Series: Adding Dynamic Stretching to Your Race Routine

Posted on by Athletico

You have been training for your next Marathon for months and are about to enter the final “stretch”. You are probably starting to think about race morning and your pre-race routine that day.  If not, it is a good time to start. It is important not to forget one of the most crucial and often overlooked parts of your routine…STRETCHING!  I highly recommend having a pre-race plan for stretching. Check out our latest Debut Marathoner Series Dynamic Stretching Race Routine. (more…)

Exercises for an ACL Injury

Posted on by Athletico

Have you ever injured or torn your ACL ligament? We’ve got the exercises and stretches for you! Athletico’s Dave Heidloff ATC, NASM-PES, FMS, provides stretches for athletes or anyone suffering from an ACL injury. Stretches are provided for anyone dealing with an ACL injury, specifically for those preparing for surgery or returning from surgery. Watch Dave’s exercises for an ACL injury below: (more…)

Stress Fractures FAQ

Posted on by Athletico

A stress fracture can be one of the most irritating injuries to a runner.  When one receives the diagnosis of a stress fracture, the injury will sideline a runner for an average of six weeks. This means no running at all, and most often runners must wear a boot or use crutches. Here are some frequently asked questions to about causes of stress fractures and the pain associated with the injury. (more…)

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