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Getting Through Your Long Runs: Debut Marathoner Edition

Posted on by Athletico

As you approach your longest training run to date as part of your training for your very first marathon, you might start to feel some aches and pains that you did not feel with your shorter distance runs.  Listed below are three common running injuries/discomforts that you may encounter.  It is important to do what you can to minimize these aches and pains before the big day arrives in just over a month.


How To Prepare For Your First Race!

Posted on by Athletico

Spring is in the Air! After a harsh winter, spring has finally sprung and the official start to the Chicago running season has begun with the completion of the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle this past weekend. Were you out there among the thousands running on Sunday? Were you standing on the sidelines cheering on the runners thinking to yourself, “I want that to be me…”  that CAN be you. Follow these basic tips to help you complete your first running road race. (more…)

One Sport Specialization May Increase Your Risk of a Knee Injury

Posted on by Athletico

In my last post on ACL injuries, I posted that overtraining can predispose someone to an ACL injury. Overtraining (spending too much time training without proper recovery) can have some serious health consequences. Overtraining is becoming an increasingly common problem as athletes are starting to specialize in one sport at younger ages. Discussing solutions to overtraining and specialization is always tough since it usually involves telling someone to play less of the sport they want to excel at. Having said that, research and anecdotal evidence both make a strong case for how varying up the sports you play through the year can lead to a healthier and more successful athletic career. (more…)

Want to Become a Better Runner in the New Year?

Posted on by Athletico

To answer that question: Sure, I think all of us would like to become a better runner next year. But how many of us actually will? Approximately 40-45% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions but of those, how many can be 100% committed to that resolution throughout the entire year?

As physical therapists, when setting goals for our patients, we use the “SMART” principle. The essentials of goal setting are very similar to that of New Year’s resolutions and it will make it easier for you to end next year with success. (more…)

3 ACL Injury Risk Factors You Can Change

Posted on by Athletico

I was recently asked by ESPN’s Sports Medicine Weekly radio show to do an interview related to a recent article in the Chicago Tribune covering the recent increase in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears. The article states that over the last decade, some orthopedic groups have seen a 400% increase in torn ACLs and that a huge segment of that growing population is female. In fact,some studies have shown that females can be up to 8 times more likely to tear their ACL than males playing the same sport, so I’d like to focus on that segment of the population. During my time with Dr. Cole and Steve Kashul, we covered some of the reasons why the increase in these injuries is happening, but I’d like to take this opportunity to briefly expand on some of the ideas brought up in the interview. (more…)

Summer Beach Body, Weightlifting, and Shoulder Pain

Posted on by Athletico

Spring is finally here and all you can think about is that long awaited warm summer sunshine and spending time by the beach with your loved ones or friends. However, before you hit up the beach, you head to the gym. You want the best beach body you can achieve. You bust out your favorite exercises: military press, wide grip bench, and use all of the deltoid machines. Your arms are looking great…but wait…now you have shoulder pain? It’s not fair! You are being healthy and going to the gym. Why do you have shoulder pain now?! (more…)

Hydrating for Performance and Health

Posted on by Athletico

At first, hydration might seem like a dry topic, but there is more to it than just drinking water. Many people may not realize that hydration levels can affect everything from essential bodily functions to your mental and physical performance levels, making it an ideal topic to cover with hordes of athletes returning to their sports this week. (more…)

Base Training for a Marathon

Posted on by Athletico

Congratulations! You made the commitment and registered for a Marathon. Whether this is your first or your 50th marathon, I’m sure you are excited to get going. Now comes the tough part for most marathoners-what do I do now? (more…)

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