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Tag: upper extremity injuries


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Occupational Therapy At A Glance: What It Is and What It’s Not

Posted on by Janet Apgar OTR/L, CHT, CMTPT, AIB-VRC, ASTYM cert.

Happy Occupational Therapy Month! Since 1980, April has been the month to celebrate occupational therapy (OT) nationally. Even though the profession started in the early 1900s, there are still misconceptions about the practice that remain to this day. Let’s explore what occupational therapy is, what it’s not, and what it could do for you!


Common Upper Extremity Injuries for the DIY Weekend Warrior

Posted on by Erik Krol, MOT, OTR/L

The past eight months in my new role as a father-to-be has challenged my organizational, physical and power tool skills in order to prepare our home for the new baby’s arrival. During the week, I work 40+ hours as a hand/occupational therapist treating and rehabilitating patients’ upper extremity conditions. On the weekends, endless home improvement projects have left my hands, wrists, and elbows feeling more sore, inflamed and tighter than ever before. My own recent upper extremity symptoms have led me to practice everything that I preach in the clinic.


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