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Adding 3D “Fun”ction to Your Walk or Run: Part 2

Posted on by Lori Diamos

We hope you all had fun learning and applying “3D” as it relates to the human body. To quickly review we discussed the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes of movement and demonstrated in words/video how each plane worked. (Did any of you take our 3D quiz for a chance to be entered into a raffle for some fun prizes?) As humans, we were meant and designed to move in all these directions; yet, with many modern conveniences and sedentary occupations, we seem to move less and less. Maximizing multi-planar motion will not only help your movement, flexibility, agility, fitness and strength, but it will also train your proprioceptors to better respond if you trip, slip, reach/lift at an awkward angle, or do a quick direction change when playing a recreational or competitive sport, oftentimes significantly lowering your potential injury risk. (more…)

Adding 3D “Fun”ction to Your Walk or Run: Part 1

Posted on by Lori Diamos

Now that warmer weather is finally here, we are all stir crazy to get outside and start having some fun in the sun. A simple and easy way to have fun in the sun with exercise is to start a walking or running program. In the spring and summer months you’ll see walkers or joggers on the lakefront, in the parks, on the sidewalks, along a forest or preserve trail, and sometimes even in the streets. Because walking and running are inherently familiar to most of us, we don’t often think outside the box and try to incorporate ways to make it better or safer. So today we will not only review some basics, but we will show you how and why to add a 3D component to not only your walk and run but also to your pre-activity warm-up and post-activity stretching routine. (more…)

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