3 Fall Prevention Tips That Are Winter-Proof
Winter weather can turn even the most confident walkers into cautious shufflers. Snow and ice make every step feel like a potential slip-and-slide, but don’t let winter keep you inside. Here are three fall prevention tips to help you glide through winter safely (and not on the ice).
Tips From a PT: 4 Stretches to Do After Shoveling Snow
Shoveling snow can be a serious workout. While it’s great for a cardio burn, it can also leave you feeling stiff and sore. Stretching after shoveling is important to keep your muscles in shape and prevent injuries. Here are five simple stretches to help you recover from your winter workout.
Are You Shoveling Wrong?
Winter’s chill brings snow and the inevitable task of shoveling. Improper shoveling technique can turn this winter chore into a source of pain and injury. Shoveling snow involves repetitive motions like bending, twisting and lifting that can strain your muscles and joints. Let’s break down how to shovel to reduce your risk of injuries!
Shovel Snow Like A Pro: 3 Injury Prevention Techniques To Feel Your Best This Winter
Winter brings the joys of snow-covered landscapes and the excitement of winter activities. However, it also comes with the responsibility of shoveling snow, which can be physically demanding and potentially harmful if not done correctly. Below are three injury prevention techniques to help you stay safe and enjoy the winter wonderland.